Instalación de Oracle en Ubuntu es bastante fácil, ya que Oracle ha creado un repositorio de Debian y Ubuntu paquete, por lo que es posible descargar e instalar el software de base de datos Oracle usando apt-get y aptitude. Agregar la linea siguiente a /etc/apt/sources.list # Oracle Repository deb unstable main non-free Actualizar el paquete de base de datos de repositorio con : $ sudo apt-get update Now you should be able to install the following Oracle software: libaio oracle-xe-client oracle-xe oracle-xe-universal Install the Oracle Express packages sudo aptitude install oracle-xe oracle-xe-client Configure using: sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure Access the nice Oracle web interface by pointing your Firefox to: Updated: The installation process might report that the Oracle packages are not gpg signed, but you should be able to install the packages anyway. You can avoid this r...
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