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Closable / Movable NotifyOSD Notifications Available For Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

patched notifyosd ubuntu

The patched NotifyOSD, which adds support for changing the notification bubble position on the screen, change font size, colour and many other settings, has been updated for Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin.

The patched NotifyOSD supports the followin customizations:
  • change font and background colours, opacity, size, corner radius
  • change the timeout (only works if an application specifies the timeout)
  • change the position on the screen (move it to the bottom right, top left, etc.)
  • switch between dynamic (no gap between the top panel and the notification bubbles) and fixed positioning
  • disable fade out
  • close the notifications on click
  • enable/disable "use Dash background colour for the notification bubbles"
  • more

I've also updated the NotifyOSDConfig utility that is available in the WebUpd8 main PPA, which can be used to configure the patched NotifyOSD, to support  some of the options that were missing like bubbles fade out, close bubble on click (thanks to Marco Gundermann for implementing these into NotifyOSDConfig) as well as an option to disable using Dash colour for the notification bubbles. Setting the notification position hasn't been integrated into NotifyOSDConfig so you still need to use Dconf for this.

Below you can watch a video with the latest patched NotifyOSD and NotifyOSDConfig with Marco Gundermann's patch as well as a small patch from me:

(direct video link)

Install the patched NotifyOSD and NotifyOSDConfig in Ubuntu 12.04

1. Install the patched NotifyOSD for Ubuntu 12.04:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:leolik/leolik 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin
pkill notify-osd

2. Install NotifyOSDConfig (a GUI to configure the patched NotifyOSD):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install notifyosdconfig

Now start NotifyOSDConfig and start tweaking the NotifyOSD notification bubbles.

NotifyOSDConfig doesn't come with settings for moving the notification bubbles, so you must do this manually, by using the command below:
gsettings set com.canonical.notify-osd gravity [number]
where is [number] can be:
1 - top-right corner
2 - middle-right
3 - bottom-right corner
4 - bottom-left corner
5 - middle-left
6 - top-left corner

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